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Boudoir Sessions

Vitiligo Boudoir: In my Skin, I Win

One of the biggest pleasures in shooting boudoir is meeting and capturing Ms. I. She is the first boudoir client I have photographed with vitiligo.

vitiligo boudoir Dallas Boudoir White Lingerie (2).png

Ms. I is an incredible woman with a beautiful story. Too often, people think boudoir is just about getting in front of the camera and looking pretty. But as we all know, there is so much more to boudoir than just getting dolled up. It's about the story that leads women to this moment. While Ms. I's story may be triggering to some, it serves as a beautiful inspirational narrative influenced by embracing your full self-worth ONLY validated by you.

Q: I just have to say it, your confidence level is out of this world! Have you always been this confident? If not, how did you learn to be confident?

A: Oh good God no! I had low confidence since I was a teenager because I didn't like how my body was built. I was literally shaped like a lower case letter "i" and had no boobs and butt. Then I was a late bloomer in college and thanks to track and field, I finally got a butt but still no boobs. For the longest, I thought I had a "man" body and was too muscular and not curvy. While I was in college, I developed vitiligo which increased my insecurities because the dermatologist said, "I'm so sorry...and you had such beautiful brown skin." I felt cursed. Unfortunately having low confidence and self-esteem can attract the wrong people in your life which led me to get raped by a wolf in sheep's clothing. I continued to beat myself and hated the image that I saw in the mirror. Then there comes a point that even in your lowest moment, the only direction you can truly look is up. The truth to life is that nobody will love you more than you ever love yourself. So treat yourself right. With that in mind, I accepted my circumstances (thank you Serenity prayer) and started to take pride in my skin condition and view myself as a "work of art."

vitiligo boudoir Dallas Boudoir White Lingerie (4).png

Q: You were a delight to work with. When planning your boudoir session, what emotions were you feeling?

A: No lie I was super nervous because I NEVER thought in my life I would be right for a boudoir shoot. When I think of boudoir, I think of Victoria's Secret models who have an idealistic body with perfect boobs and hour shape body. I didn't have that type of body, but I was willing to embrace the challenge. Once the nerves went away, I got excited because I'm about to do something that will break an old mental wall that I carried since I was a teenager.

Q: Compared to before the session, how did you feel during and after the shoot?

A: Once I tried on the beautiful one-piece lingerie, I was shocked because I never thought that I had the body for lingerie. I looked at myself in the mirror, embraced the image, and felt empowered because I knew that this shoot will be special. The boudoir shoot was the first time that I felt truly sexy in a genuine way. I'm an awkward nerd, but the boudoir session brought out an inner sex kitten that I didn't know existed. For the first time ever, I felt a "model's" high after the shoot. It was like holy sh*t I did it! I broke a mental wall that held me back from really loving myself. Thanks to that shoot, I'm more motivated than ever to buy more lingerie and participate in more boudoir shoots.

vitiligo boudoir Dallas Boudoir White Lingerie (6).png

Q: We shoot a lot of women, all with incredible stories and backgrounds. However, you are the first person who we had the privilege of capturing who has Vitiligo. I love how you have owned this. I know learning about this for some people can be really hard. How did you own this and what do you hope to teach people about Vitiligo?

A: It took me a very long time to own my vitiligo instead of letting vitiligo own me. As a matter of fact, I remember watching an episode of America's Next Top Model, and Shaun Ross (model with albinism) exuded so much confidence and comfort in his skin, and he brought up his campaign that he was running. He said the one phrase that's still embedded in my head forever. "In my skin, I win!" Once Shaun said that a light bulb came on in my head, and I started to view my spots as if they were art pieces in my body canvas.

My biggest hope is that images of myself and others with vitiligo will help people in society to not look at us or others with physical imperfections as freaks or with pity. We're humans just like everybody else and beautiful too with our perfect imperfections.

Q: There seems to be a change in tide with the concept of beauty in our world, especially in the world of vitiligo. One of the most famous names right now is Winnie Harlow. How does the expansion of beauty norms make you feel?

A: I'm so inspired and ecstatic. Winnie Harlow opened the doors for many of us with vitiligo, and it's a breath of fresh air to see other people with vitiligo in photoshoots or acting. I'm happy to see that the definition of the "standard of beauty" is changing and helping others who are insecure to embrace themselves.

Q: What is one misconception about vitiligo that you would like to clear up?

A: Unfortunately there is a good amount of ignorant people who believe that vitiligo is a "curse" from the bible (in reference to having leprosy). We're not cursed, and there's a difference between having leprosy and vitiligo. We're human beings and not bad "cursed" people.

Dallas Boudoir White Lingerie Vitiligo Model (5).png

Q: You are also an actress. What inspired you to get into acting and who are some of the greats whose careers you admire?

A: I loved the attention I got from friends and family as a kid when I told stories and doing impressions of others. My mom exposed me to a lot of theater plays and movies; therefore I knew that acting was my creative outlet for expressing myself. As for actors, I absolutely love Viola Davis and Meryl Streep. Meryl Streep is the prime example that you don't have to be super gorgeous to make it but let your talent do the talking for you. Viola Davis is everything to me. You know you're a phenomenal actress if doing the ugly cry with snot running out of your nose will help you win an Oscar (Movie Fences) or Emmy (How to Get Away With Murder).

Q: If there is one thing you want the world to learn about you, what would you want to convey?

A: In the words of Janelle Monae, "Even if it makes others uncomfortable, I will love who I am."

I really hope Ms. I story resonates with at least one person. Feel free to share her inspirational journey with your friends and family members. I cannot wait to have the chance to capture this beautiful soul again.

If you're interested in your own boudoir session please complete the form below. I look forward to hearing from you!

3 Reasons Every Woman Needs to do a Boudoir Session

3 Reasons Every Woman Needs to do a Boudoir Session - Dallas Boudoir Mini Session

Having one of the top boudoir blogs in the world fills me with great pride. To celebrate that, today I want to provide three simple reasons why everyone woman needs to do a boudoir session.

Dallas Boudoir Photographer

1.) Celebrate Yourself

This life is so beautiful yet it goes by so quickly. At times we don't slow down enough to really appreciated it, or yourselves. There are many things in life to celebrate birthdays, accomplishments, milestones, major life changes, your healing. Whatever you're the reason, you should do it for yourself.

I love when women come in because they are getting married and want to surprise their partner. However, there is always a deeper meaning. Their partner may have been the supporting rock they needed to break through love, weight loss, or other accomplishments through life.

I have captured many women diagnosed with an assortment of different diseases. I have been blessed to know, to date, that none of my beautiful clients have transitioned from this life. However, they came in knowing that this may fade but they wanted to capture the moments before or after to remind themselves that no matter what happens that they celebrated who they are. That they could go back and have reminders of themselves that they have ALWAYS been that chick! I want the same for all my clients.

The fact of the matter is, in 2 years, 5 years, 10 years, 20 years you’re going to look back and kick yourself for not appreciating how God-damn beautiful you were because you wasted so much time being insecure. Don’t regret appreciating your beauty. Even if you cannot see it at this very moment, you will thank yourself for having the shoot because it will show you how magnificent you always were.

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2.) Boudoir Challenges your Mindset

You may think that cover models have it easy. They just come in, get dolled up, shoot for a couple of hours, secure the bag, and then leave. I find it hilarious that after each shoot, every single woman is exhausted, tired, and sore (some of the poses will really stretch you out).

Boudoir makes you get out of your comfort zone. Some of us (including myself) thrive in jeans, sweatshirts, sunglasses, and a messy bun. Boudoir asks you to challenge yourself by slipping into something sexy and unapologetically own your feminity.

Too often society has dictated what is feminine and ladylike. I am happy to see so many women are calling bullshit on these antiquated concepts and really falling into their divine feminine power. The only person who can define feminity is you.

Women are taught to feel ashamed for owning their sexuality. To want to look sexy for no one else but themselves. For not caring what other think. If you are feeling insecure because of these values, then you should do your boudoir session. Get out of your comfort zone. Do it for you.


3.) Spoil Yourself

It's no secret that boudoir is can be expensive. Normally, the more expensive, the better the photographer. However, you deserved to gift yourself.

At Wonderland Boudoir we provided a full-service boudoir session. Included in all our packages are hair, makeup, and location. We also have three fully loaded packages that include albums, photos, and prints.

Our hair and makeup team are the best. They always make sure you LOVE your look before your session. They stay through the full session to make sure you look great. They jump into the frame and make sure your hair still looks good, makeup is touched up so all you need to do is follow my direction for posing. No. You don't need to know how to pose before you come in. I will dedicate myself to you during our session to make sure you are getting the best photos and poses.

Everyone woman needs to do a boudoir session so they can celebrate who they, challenge their mindset, and spoil themselves!

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Right now at Wonderland Boudoir, we are offering mini sessions for an AH-MAZING price. The trade-off is, we only have spots available on May 01, 2021. The shoots will take place in Dallas, Texas.


  • Dates: May 01, 2021 at 10AM and 2PM

  • Price: $738

  • Length: 60 minutes

  • Looks: Max 2

  • Photos: 15 Page 8x12 Photo Alum

If you want to learn more, fill out the form below or click HERE to learn more before getting in contact and booking a session.

Moroccan Boudoir in Dallas, Texas

Moroccan Style Boudoir Session in Dallas Texas, Wonderland Boudoir

There are a ton of great boudoir studios in Dallas that have the traditional beds, but how about making your boudoir session really stand out?  How about something a tad bit international?   Today we are going to bring Morocco right to Dallas!  Yes, we have a Moroccan Boudoir set!

Morocco is a beautiful country in North Africa.  If all goes well I will be visiting this colorful country in 2016. When I do I plan on bringing back more blankets, sheets, and other items to make this set look as authentic as possible.  

Morroccan Boudoir Session, Dallas Texas, Wonderland Boudoir

This set was inspired by my love for strong color.  Boudoir sessions have a tendency to look very black and white with a splash of red pinched in.  This set is for the colorful, dynamic, and non traditional woman. With the Moroccan set we want to provide a really relaxed atmosphere that can still to be really sexy.  We love effortless sexy and that’s what this set provides. If you’re looking to give your boudoir session a bit of flair the Moroccan set would be best for you!

Morroccan Boudoir Session, Dallas Texas, Wonderland Boudoir

In a previous post we really broke down Karla’s outfit, hair, and makeup to a science.  If you want to see all the details of Karla’s look please check out our How to Style a Bridal Boudoir Session.  

Jill from #Glambition did the hair and makeup.  Alexis K Coats styled this amazing session with  clothes provided by Apricot Lane of Dallas.  Most of the furniture here came from Pier 1.  

Not only is the set relaxing so is Karla’s style. In her first looks she’s rocking a bikini top from Apricot Lane of Dallas.  Instead of the typical panty or bikini bottle Alexis opted to layer her in a series of scarves. This provided a sense of texture, fun pops of color, and overall more interesting photos.  Not only do the your boudoir  photos need to look sexy, but they have to really stand out.  

Morroccan Boudoir Session, Dallas Texas, Wonderland Boudoir

The hair added a dynamic point of interest to Karla’s Moroccan boudoir set.  While there is nothing wrong with with full voluptuous curly hair I have to say that I LOVE the short futuristic side bob that Jill designed for Karla.  Again, it brings interest and texture in such a unique setting.  

If you want to get more details on Karla’s set or any of the three other women we shot please make sure you check out your post on How to Style a Bridal Boudoir Session.  Also, Karla is in a competition of Dallas’s top models.  Please go vote for Karla HERE!  

Without Further Ado here are more photos!

Morroccan Boudoir Session, Dallas Texas, Wonderland Boudoir
Morroccan Boudoir Session, Dallas Texas, Wonderland Boudoir
Morroccan Boudoir Session, Dallas Texas, Wonderland Boudoir
Morroccan Boudoir Session, Dallas Texas, Wonderland Boudoir
Morroccan Boudoir Session, Dallas Texas, Wonderland Boudoir
Morroccan Boudoir Session, Dallas Texas, Wonderland Boudoir
Morroccan Boudoir Session, Dallas Texas, Wonderland Boudoir
Morroccan Boudoir Session, Dallas Texas, Wonderland Boudoir
Morroccan Boudoir Session, Dallas Texas, Wonderland Boudoir

I really hoped you enjoyed Karla’s photos!  Be sure to vote for her as one of the  top model’s in Dallas HERE!

I want to thank Jill form #Glambition for all your help and hard work on this series!  Special thank you to Alexis for blessing us with her skills and Apricot Lane of Dallas for allowing us to use the clothe for the shoot!

In the comments below please let me know which photo in this series you like the best and why!

Bohemian Inspired Boudoir Session

Bohemian Inspired Boudoir Session, Wonderland Boudoir, Dallas Boudoir Session

Today we are going to showcase a Bohemian inspired boudoir session!

Bohemian Inspired Boudoir Session, Wonderland Boudoir, Dallas Boudoir Session

Over the past month we have showed you stlyized boudoir sessions create by Alexis K Coats with wardrobe provided by Apricot Lane of Dallas.  The hair and makeup is by Jill of #Glambition.  Each session represented something different.  Ciara with Bridal Boudoir.  Jolesa with Strength, and now we have Jenna serving use that Bohemian realness.

For Jenna we wanted to give a more sultry sexy.  Jill opted for huge crimped hair and makeup that really made her blue eyes pop.  In her first outfit Alexis dressed Jenna is a 90’s esque  full length white lace dress.  On her shoulders drapes a beautiful black embroidered kimono.  

As far as accessories go the motto was, “Too much is never enough.”  Alexis had her rocking the stone bangles and dripped crystal pendants around her neck.

However if you really want the details of what she wore be sure to check out our post on How to Style a Bridal Boudoir Shoot.  I believe this will come in handy for you regardless if you're getting married or not.

Three Things You Can Learn from Jenna

1. It’s okay to be nervous.

Bohemian Inspired Boudoir Session, Wonderland Boudoir, Dallas Boudoir Session

Jenna was really nervous about her session because she doesn’t model and has never done boudoir.  However, she did place her trust in myself and Alexis, who also models.  Alexis gave Jenna very detailed instruction to help her out and ease her fears.  She even gave her some excercises to practice at home for her next photo shoot.

2. It’s Okay to Take Control.  

Believe it or not Jenna's eyelashes are 100% organic.  She takes such good care of them and doesn’t let anyone, but herself, touch her eyelashes.  Sometimes ladies are scared to speak up, but what I liked about Jenna is what she wasn’t and was able to verbalize what she does and does not want to do.  If you don't feel comfortable or have an idea that better suits you don't be scared to speak up because your photographer wants you to feel as comfortable as possible.  

3. Listen.  

Jenna may have been nervous but you would have never noticed because she took the time and listened to us and own her photos.  Like Jolesa, Jenna listened with intent so she was able to pull off some of the mose beautiful pictures.  When you take the time and listen to your photographer about posing and how to do the poses your photos will come out amazing.  

Without further ado here are Jenna’s photos.

Bohemian Inspired Boudoir Session, Wonderland Boudoir, Dallas Boudoir Session
Bohemian Inspired Boudoir Session, Wonderland Boudoir, Dallas Boudoir Session
Bohemian Inspired Boudoir Session, Wonderland Boudoir, Dallas Boudoir Session
Bohemian Inspired Boudoir Session, Wonderland Boudoir, Dallas Boudoir Session

I hope today’s post helped you understand how to prep for your session and gave your style ideas for your next boudoir session.   

If you’re in the Dallas Fort Worth area and want to have a boudoir session please check out our investment page and contact us to schedule a time to speak regarding your session!  

In the comments below please let use know which one the two looks was your favorite?

Dallas Boudoir Photography: Drop your Fears and Embrace your Sexuality

All Black Everything Dallas Wonderland Boudoir Photography, #Boudoir, #Dallas.png


I mean look at her perfect face.  And that makeup though!  While some women choose to go on the more conservative side I have some women who like to bare all.  This was Ms. T.  Unfortunately I can’t show you guys the photos because I want to try and keep this site no more than a PG13, but what I loved about Ms. T is that she had no issue baring it all.

Letting go of all your fears, owning your session, and baring it all is the most important part of having a successful boudoir session.  I know it’s hard. There is a lot of fear that comes with expressing your feminine sexuality with someone you just met.  The beauty of a boudoir session is to help you face your fears and embrace your beauty.

Ms. T did just that.  While I will keep the more intimate photos private I did want to share this set with you.  I love how a simple black dress was used as a tool to really showcase her beauty.

The makeup was done by Alessandra.  How gorgeous is it?!  I really can’t stop looking at her eye work.  Alessandra is a dream and if you need a great makeup artis in Dallas then Alessandra is your girl!  Please check out more of her work at

Without Further Ado, Ms. T!

Wonderland Boudoir Dallas, Dallas Boudoir Photography, #Dallas, #Boudoir, #Photography, All Black Everything
Wonderland Boudoir Dallas, Dallas Boudoir Photography, #Dallas, #Boudoir, #Photography, All Black Everything

Thank you so much for checking out Ms. Taylor and her work!  This week I will be showcasing nothing but recent work so make sure you check out each and every day.  Make sure you go and visit Ms. A photos session from last week.  Her boudoir session was great because she brought her confidence game.  Confidence and facing your fears are two important elements of a great boudoir session.

In the comments below please let me know which photo was your favorite!


Wonderland Boudoir, Boudoir Party, Dallas Boudoir

Wonderland Boudoir is a Dallas Boudoir studio who specialized in Boudoir Photography. We offer Boudoir Parties for Brides, birthday, and just a fun girls night out.

As you guys know this month is dedicated to friendships and boudoir parties!  A boudoir party is a great activity for bachelorette parties, birthday celebrations, or just a fun Girl’s Night Out event.  Today I want to give you guys a behind the scene glimpse of a boudoir party.

Late last year we put together our first boudoir party with these four beautiful ladies. Each lady has different comfort levels with the idea of boudoir so each of them wanted something different.  Some wanted to be more subtle while some of the other ladies wanted to bare it all! 

You may have arrived with a group but everyone gets 30 minutes of individual time with the photographer. Remember this is YOUR time.  Make the most of it and get the photos that you have always desired. 

Today I will showcase the whole party and for the rest of the month I will show case each of these ladies independently so you can see their individual sessions.  No two will be the same and that’s the fun in a boudoir party! 

About the Party

The party was AMAZING.  After all the girls showed up to our studio the drinks and food started to flow.  While we do provide champagne I believe that you should only have one glass prior to your session. While the champagne may give you liquid courage you don’t want to have drunk eyes.  Being coherent is an essential part of a boudoir party. LOL we want to make sure you’re getting the best photos in your 30 minute session.

Hair, Makeup, & Styling

The hair and makeup team will speak to each girl about their hair and makeup goals.  Hair and makeup will also be determined by the outfit that you choose. Styling is such an important part in good photos.  We will discuss what we think will be the best for you based on what you bring. 

You will need to have day old hair for your session.  Hairstylist prefer that.

While the makeup artist will most likely have your foundation sometimes it better to bring your own because some people have sensitive skin and the makeup artist foundation may break you out. 

When it comes to styling please remember to try on your clothes before your session.  I have a post that identifies the 7 things that you need to do before a boudoir session.  The rules found in this post also apply to boudoir parties.  Take this post and make sure you SHARE it with all your friends.

Wednesday’s post covered what a boudoir party actual is and the benefits to it.  As pointed out  in that post, at Wonderland Boudoir, each person in your party is allotted a 30 minute shoot time the photographer.

The 30 minute sessions include:

Hair & Makeup

  • 1 outfit
  • Private Gallery with 30 of your best photos
  • Of those 30 photos you get to pick your favorite (one 8x12) digital photo that you want fully edited
  • You do have the option to buy additional photos or your entire set

Without further ado let me how you guys how much fun a boudoir session with you and some of your girlfriends can be!

Wonderland Boudoir, Dallas Boudoir, Boudoir Dallas, Boudoir Party
Wonderland Boudoir, Dallas Boudoir, Boudoir Dallas, Boudoir Party
Wonderland Boudoir, Dallas Boudoir, Boudoir Dallas, Boudoir Party

Wasn’t that so much fun?!  If you’re interested in booking your own boudoir party please check out our investment page.  Then head over to our contact page to give us a call or send an email for more information!

Remember we are offering 25% off out Boudoir Parties this month!

In the comments below let me know please let me know if you have any questions about boudoir sessions that I didn’t cover!

How to be Beautiful? Confidence is Key

Confidence is Key, Wonderland Boudoir of Dallas, How to Be Beautiful, #Boudoir

What is the definition of beauty? believes that beauty is the quality present in a thing or person that gives great pleasure or deep satisfaction in the mind.

About Yareli

Beauty has no size, Curvy Girls, Wonderland Boudoir of D allas

Late 2014 I hosted a boudoir session with a beautiful young woman named Yareli (doesn't she have the PRETTIEST name?!).  Yareli has striking eyes, a gorgeous personality, and a confidence to spare.  Her radiance was glowing at a level 10 and she couldn’t have been more excited for her boudoir session.    Our session was great!  She just jumped in an owned it.  She knew what she wanted, how she wanted it, and yet was still open to suggestion and thoughts.  

Do Boudoir for Yourself

Beauty has no size, Curvy Girls, Wonderland Boudoir of D allas

When asked why she wanted to have a boudoir session she let me know she did it for herself.  Yareli is a beautiful full framed woman.  As a curvier woman she rejects the status quo of society’s standard of beauty.  She knows she is beautiful. She owned every single curve, every single “flaw”.   These “flaws” were actually the thing that made her so youthful and vibrant.   Due to her confidence and shape she has had no trouble finding a man that appreciates every single ounce of her. 

Yareli explained to me that she had to learn how to be more confident with her fuller size because no one was going to do that for her.  Let me tell you, her confidence shined through her photos and the last thing I notice was “the weight.”

The Problem with Defining Beauty by a Waist Size

Many young women these days see magazine covers of these “naturally perfect women”, videos girls, or female celebrities and believe, “this is what I need to do/look like to be successful in this world”.  What these women fail to realize is that most of what we see on social media, movies, and magazine covers are smoke and mirrors.  Abuse of Photoshop in the media is an unachievable illusion designed to separate people from their money in order to make them feel like this is what they need to do to achieve love and success. 

Beauty has no size, Curvy Girls, Wonderland Boudoir of D allas

If you are a size 16 and you feel absolutely gorgeous at a size 16 don’t let Glamour Magazine's photo shopping team tell you that’s not beautiful.  As stated in the Redefine Beauty post we don’t need to validate our sex appeal by people who aren’t us. 

Interested in a Boudoir Session?

If you’re interested in a boudoir session with our talented team at Wonderland Boudoir please check out our investment page with all the different productions we can provide!  Once your done contact us to get more information or schedule a session!

Want to See More of Yareli?!

Make sure you LIKE and FOLLOW us on Facebook to see more photos from Yareli's Gallery!




Happy First Day of Spring Y’all!

In the comments below define the word "beauty" for you!